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ANGELO CUSTODE kennel of chihuahua is officially registered in RKF-FCI
The owner is Svetlana Kostyleva (Russia, Moscow region, Leninskiy distr. Moscovscy city ,tel. +7-916-6516200 , e-mail: lannak75@mail.ru)

Webdisigner - Lannak75@mail.ru
Standard Chihuahua
A new female in our kennel
Born 16.10.2009
Thanks  Federica Depau (Sweet Indeed Kennel, IT) for trust and the fine girl!


+7 (916) 651-6200

Born puppies (SA Zherar Depardieu & Poni iz Korolevstva Gnomov) - 2 females!

Congretelation to Elena Lomakina (Grand Twintip kennel)

A new male in our kennel!


With all my heart I thank dear Eija (nursery Dankeros Lav, Finland) for the charming kid and for the warm and attentive relation to me! Thanks!
More info
chihuahua chihua angelo custode ангело кустоде чихуахуа чихуа длинношерстные длинношерстный длинники лучшие длинники лучшие длинношерстные чихуа монопородный питомник long coat chihuahua
Angelo Custode kennel of long coat  chihuahuas  is based in 2006. All our manufacturers have excellent family trees, bloods of Italy, England, the USA and Canada, regularly visit exhibitions of dogs and I receive an appreciation and titles. We do not have considerable quantity of dogs to have possibility and time to give to each our pupil many love, attention and care. Will get acquainted with our manufacturers it is possible on a site.
Why long-haired chihuahua? Look at photos - how pleasantly to look at a beautiful dog with a long flying wool!

I always loved dogs with a beautiful wool, but with occurrence in my house of the first long-haired chihuahua I have been pleasantly surprised and pleased by ease in care of their wool and their cheerful, courageous and naughty character. And with each new pupil I fell in love with this breed more and more! At these fluffy kids heart of a lion, they gentle, but courageous, like to play and perfectly study. They are fine!
Breed  program of ours kennel is based on fastening and improvement of breed long-haired chihuahua. We do not use in cultivation of dogs pet a class, all our dogs of high level for whom we thank our kennels owners with all my heart! And from ourselves we will apply a maximum of forces and work for reception of beautiful and healthy kids and we will be happy if results of our work please you!

Yours faithfully, Lana and Konstantin Kostylev
Web Designer Lannas Studio
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